Can Bankruptcy Discharge Gambling Debt?
Dealing With Gambling Losses
Bankruptcy can sometimes help to discharge gambling debts. However, casinos and credit card companies often challenge the discharge of gambling debts by claiming fraud against the debtor. These fraud claims are decided on a case by case basis and can be tricky. You have to know the right questions to ask, the right documents to request and be familiar with the sometimes conflicting legal cases. At The Fuller Law Firm, PC, we know how to handle these cases.
Our Case Involving Gambling Debt
Most recently, we stepped in as attorney for a client with large gambling debts who had tried to use the services of a high-volume, cut-rate bankruptcy practice. His prior firm failed to properly defend the casino's fraud claim and default was entered against the client. We stepped in, got the default cleared and began to challenge the claim through discovery. Ultimately, this claim settled for less than 2% of the total gambling debts. While the facts of each case are different and results may vary, the knowledge base necessary to defend these cases is the same from case to case.
Call Us for a Free Consultation
If you have gambling debts that you cannot pay, contact us today for a free consultation. Does the bankruptcy attorney that you have or are considering have experience fighting these kinds of cases? The Fuller Law Firm, PC has successfully defended fraud claims related to gambling debts and obtained the discharge of hundreds of thousands of dollars of gambling debts. Contact us now to schedule a free comprehensive consultation to determine the ideal solution for you.